12 January 2016

| No Angel(s) |

Do you get inspired by music? Like, seriously inspired, so you feel that crazy urge to grab something and start creating? Painting, coloring, building even! I was in the middle of re-organizing my makeup storage and then, in the background, this song was building up the imagination (blame that bass, lyrics, best remix EVER!) and I just couldn't help myself... Brushes dipping into eyeshadows, lip glosses and pigments, dust and sparkles all over the place. I made such a mess. And here it is, for your eyes only. Judge my mess :) I am not an makeup artist, nor I pretend to be the one, but seriously- this is something I'd like to see more often on people around. Playing with colors. Meaningful, but still playing, creating beauty with different highlights. Because that's what art is, being unique, being a breath of fresh air in this little world of clones. So, don't be afraid to be a little bit different, a little more brave. Because you set the rules, only you balance light and darkness.
Products used:
- Bell Fashion lip gloss (shade 402)
- Sleek Oh So Special eyeshadow palette (shades noir, organza)
- MAC pigment (Melon)
- Sigma eyeshadow (Fawn)
- Real Techniques lip brush
- Miomare flat synthetic brush (Lidl)



  1. Što bi rekli, palac gore :) Sviđa mi se ovaj eksperiment, baš je nekako ti :) L.

  2. premoćno :D
    a i kosa ti je divna <3

  3. molim lijepo još liparta, kako već rekoh. molim te. <3

  4. Lijepo, skroz umjetnički, big like :))

  5. Ovo je jako lijep dašak svježeg zraka :D
    Otkad sam si ju pustila prije par sati, pjesma mi je na repeat-u. (Pustila sam si pjesmu i ostavila post otvoren u tab-u neko vrijeme). Nadam se da ćeš češće biti ovako inspirirana! <3

    1. Pesma je savršena, zar ne? :) Hvala ti, nemaš pojma koliko znači podrška osobe čiji me rad ostavlja bez daha :)

  6. Odlično :D I fotke su izvrsne, jako mi se sviđa!

  7. Da li si znala da sam "slaba" na lip art? Mozda i nisi ali kao i uvijek, ostajem iznenadjena na to koliko imamo nekih slicnosti koje nisu ocigledne na prvu ;)

    1. Sister from another mister :D Drago mi je da delimo i ovu ljubav.

  8. svidja mi je kako izgleda, moracu probati :)


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