15 October 2014

One Shade of Grey. Starring: Flormar Matte Elegant Grey

The sky is grey, 
the sand is grey, 
and the ocean is grey. 
I feel right at home in this stunning monochrome, 
alone in my way. 
I smoke and i drink 
and every time I blink I have a tiny dream. 
But as bad as I am 
I'm proud of the fact that I'm worse than I seem. 
What kind of paradise am I looking for? 
I've got everything I want and still i want more. 
Maybe some tiny shiny thing will wash up on the shore. 
You walk through my walls like a ghost on tv. 
You penetrate me and my little pink heart is on its little brown raft 
floating out to sea. 
And what can I say, but I'm wired this way 
and you're wired to me, 
and what can I do but wallow in you unintentionally? 
What kind of paradise am I looking for?
I've got everything I want and still I want more. 
Maybe some tiny shiny key will wash up on the shore. 
Regretfully, I guess I've got three simple things to say. 
Why me? 
Why this now? 
Why this way? 
Overtone's ringing,
Undertow's pulling away
 under a sky that is grey 
on sand that is grey 
by an ocean that's grey. 
What kind of paradise am I looking for? 
I've got everything I want and still I want more. 
Maybe some tiny shiny key will wash up on the

-Ani DiFranco-

If you are having any questions about this nail polish, feel free to ask in the comments :)
Have a lovely, rainy Wednesday.




  1. Što je dooobaar :) A trajnost? L.

    1. 4 dana uz maksimalnu aktivnost :)
      S tim da mat efekat nestaje nakon dan, dva :) i onda dobija onaj sjajniji finiš.

  2. Joj što ja volim ove flormar mat lakove...ma volim općenito flormar lakove, oni su mi najdraži :D
    Ja zasad imam crnu, koraljnu i ljubičastu a siva je baš divna *stavljeno na wishlist*

    1. Divni su, postojani, formula je takva da se ne osuše brzo. Stvarno traju :)
      U Osijeku su otvorili dućan (Portanova) i imaju countere sa najnovijim kolekcijama. Ako budeš uz put, svrati :)

    2. Osijek mi je malo daleko, ali ovdje u BiH oni imaju nekoliko svojih dućana pa ih nijeproblem nabaviti :D a imaju i lijep izbor boja i tekstura :)

  3. Meni se ovaj lak užasno sviđa na tvojim noktima, ali kada koristim tgakve nijanse izgleda strašno jer imam kratke i široke nokte. Šteta

    1. Hvala Martina :)
      Postoji trik kako vizuelno smanjiti nokatnu ploču- jednostavno usko nalakirati nokat na sredini i povući još dva poteza prema krajevima i voila! Ako je uredno i precizno, izgleda jako lepo :)

  4. divne su ti fotografije <3 divnee
    lak isto tako,, obožavam Flormarove, ali još nisam na ovaj naletjela :)

    1. Hvala :)
      Ovo je deo mat kolekcije koja se pojavila u prodaji krajem zime, kupila sam ga negde u februaru :)
      Ima još krasnih boja, no ovaj mi je bio nekako macan :)

  5. Savršen jesenski<3 fotke sam već pohvalila na fejsu *.*


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