
24 August 2016

Cami-Blackish Wednesday △ DRESSFO.COM

So, it happened! :) Only a day after this blog turned 3 years, I finally collected all the courage, thoughts and decided to publish my first ever outfit blog-post. Few weeks ago I have received bunch of emails from different online clothing stores with different collab propositions. Being a little selective, as usually, I found myself disliking and finally refusing so many of them. This mostly came from the fact that I have pretty much shaped style and vision of what I'd like to try and wear in the future. Also, so many things sold online today are made of fabric that I cannot tolerate (synthetics, polyester, nylon...). After few good thoughts, I have decided to go with two shops that offer wardrobe closest to my style, also shops with lovely, polite and very professional PR. Today, it's all about this little cami blackish item I could describe as two piece romper/jumpsuit, perfect for warm Summer days. It's the item I found in DRESSFO online store, so feel free to check them out.
This Summer's fashion statement was in colours and shapes of jumpsuits and rompers. Every fashion brand had them in the offer, but what I struggled with were all those floral (fact is that I don't enjoy wearing floral pattern, print, or anything floral actually), hippie, retro-vibed prints, so I was pleasantly surprised to find something in one colour, elegant looking, designed to be day and night time wearable, depending with what shoes, bags, hairstyle or makeup you combine it. This Cami blackish green tank top and shorts suit was the first item I fell in love with on Dressfo page. It looked so pretty on the model, but my concern was about the material and size, since we all know the difference between Asian and European sizes (for those who don't, Asian clothing sizes are smaller). In the end, I figured that I should make a risky move and order it, since the model proportions were pretty close to mine, so with fingers crossed and 10 days after I have received my package. In the moment of unpacking the whole thing I had like NO expectations, but boy, was I surprised! It all arrived so nicely packed, folded without looking crumpled, no bad scents in the package. Everything was perfect. After unpacking the item I was so happy that the material wasn't the kind of ugly, heavy, plastic-like polyester, but very light and comfortable, with lovely lining. The whole suit material is embroidered with lovely glittering thread, a bit pleated in shorts, with matching ribbon to tie around the high-waisted shorts. As for the size, that was a bit frightening moment of this experience, but it fits perfectly! It is one sized model, the shorts part looks so tiny, but I managed to hop into with no troubles at all. 

If it's of any help, my stats are: 
height: 174 cm, 
weight: 55 kg, 
bust: 90 cm, 
waist: 70, 
hips: 90 cm. 

I have to say that I really enjoyed and will do in the future, wearing this little piece of beautifully tailored suit. It's kind of a head turner, because it's pretty short and shows a bit more of what I am used to, but it's Summer, there are no rules as long as everything is decent looking (at least that's how I prefer it). Wearing this gem, I feel really comfortable and good looking :) And after such a positive experience with  Dressfo, I could gladly recommend you to check out their items and treat yourself with something you like. 

*PR sample (more about terms and conditions on About This Blog page)


  1. Presladak mi je ovaj kombinezon i iskreno jako ti lijepo stoji ;)

    1. Ja sam oduševljena, inače sam jako, jako, jako velika cepidlaka kad se radi o krojevima i načinu prošivanja stvari. Ovde je sve izvedeno u najsavršenijem redu. Iskreno, nisam očekivala ovako dobar kvalitet. Možda je zbog predrasuda, ali nikada do sada nisam verovala da na azijskom online shop-u mogu pronaći zadovoljavajući komad garderobe.
      Hvala ti puno :*

  2. 174? Ja sam nekako mislila da si ti negdje oko 165, a ono ti čak 2 cm viša od mene :D
    I gotovo pa imaš savršene mjere, almost perfect :D Šalu na stranu, kombinezon je odličan i odlično ti stoji, a budući da za ovu stranicu još nisam čula :O idem malo škicnuti što ima :)

    1. Jap bejb! :D Ma 165! Tolicna sam bila u osnovnoj hahaha :D :D :D
      Vita jela ;)
      Nedostaje mi malo kilograma, ali neću se žaliti- sve dok sam zdrava i dok mrdam i ne ljubim tlo :P u redu je.
      Svakako škicni, imaju finih stvarčica.
      Opet, ja sam ugodno iznenađena kvalitetom. Iako je poliester, uopšte nemam osećaj težine, gušenja kože, sve je tako prozračno i lepršavo. I super je što ima postavu koja je jako lepo izvedena, i koja se ne lepi, ili je kratka.

  3. Hvala draga :)
    Divan je kompletić, zbilja sam zadovoljna.

  4. imaš mjere kao model *_*
    ne znam što mi je u ovo postu ljepše - ti, tvoja kosa, odjevni predmet o kojem pišeš, njegova boja ili priroda u kojoj si se slikala :D ma sve to skupa, dovoljno za Mishin tipični, savršeni post <3 :D

    1. Najdraža moja Ivana, hvala na predivnom komentaru. Ja ne umem to napraviti bez da delujem trapavo, tako da ću ti napisati jedno VELIKO HVALA i poslati hrpu pusa :***

  5. Predivna si i kombinezon je prekrasan, a tek kosa <3

    1. Ta kosa je moja kazna :D želi me udaviti! Razmišljam da je ošišam dok se nisam počela saplitati :D
      Hvala :*

  6. Jao divno ti stoji kombinezon. :D A kosa mi je skroz u stilu Bree Van De Kamp iz kućanica, baš si krasna. :)

  7. Ova boja je stvorena za tebe! Prava si sumska nimfa - prirodno okruzenje i prirodne nijanse ti savrseno stoje ;)

    1. Hvala Selma :)))
      Boja je savršena zelena, jako mi se dopada.


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